Right herez ma pals!! :D
Steph: A good pal, a bit funny at times and a good laugh!
Claire: Mental Mad Mosher, just like me! We both like to go nuts and talk a whole load of pish when we are hyper!
Anthony: Good fun, sarcastic at times but really funny :D
Franny: He loves to annoy me and break ma toes and ma shins. :( Funny, and a good laugh still.
Jason: Funny, sarcastic a lot of the time and really good at chemistry!!
Catrina: aka Kat, good fun, really energetic and wants to be in the army! :D good stuff.
Lorna: Bit of a drama queen, no bad company.
Laura: Quite quiet, bubbly personality, good fun.
Ashleigh: Really funny and entertaining, not afraid to say what she thinks, she's a great laugh!! :P
Andy: Ma good pal and note, hes a tall bugger:P (dont hit me)
Peter: Andy's pal, hes funny and hes a gr8 pal.
Cathryn: mental and funny :D good company and good for a laugh, we get guitar lessons the gether.
Gerard: obsessive with penguins and is real funny,
and he's one of franny's pals.
Lauren: Loves GreenDay same as me :D gd laugh!
Rachael: Also loves GreenDay :D:D:D Gd fun too
Claire D : Funny, likes SOAD a lot :P
Bernie: Funny, likes to be called Bob : lol
Ryhian: Ma baby Ryhian :D:D I love him loads!! He plays bass for a band called DeXter who i think Rock!!!
John: Mad :P there u go sumed up in one word lol! Hes well funny! Plays drums for DeXter!
Paul: Gd pal, Plays guitar and is the lead vocals in Dexter.
Rowner : U guessed it, hes in DeXter too! :P He plays guitar and is backing vocals. :D
Leppie: Well a laugh! :D Fun like most of ma pals and knows how to have a gd laugh.
Eddie: Mad mental Eddie lol ! Loves to skank wi his big boots on and have a laugh wi Goose,(aka Sersh). Not that she ends up smilin...
Canny name everyone :P Soz of i missed anyone out...blame ma losing of brain cells last week! :P